(82 mins, 2005)
Written and Directed by Tim McCann
Starring: Michael Rodrick, Debbie Rochon, Frank Olivier,
Lloyd Kaufman

“If Blake Edwards wrote a script and then Abel Ferrara directed it, it might look something like Nowhere Man, a scuzzy, oil-black comedy about a guy named Conrad (Michael Rodrick) whose fiancée (B-movie scream queen Debbie Rochon) snips off his penis with a pair of gardening shears and makes a run for it… That said, this third feature by way-independent writer-director Tim McCann isn’t the outré shockfest it may sound like, but rather a carefully considered satire of contemporary sexual mores… It further establishes him as an unpredictable, uncompromising talent working well beneath the industry radar. The guy has balls.”
Scott Foundas, LA Weekly

“The term noir gets applied to all manner of candy-assed crap these days (Michael Mann's Collateral? Pfftt!), so a thriller as uncompromisingly dark as Nowhere Man presents a welcome opportunity to reset the benchmark… Indie auteur McCann knows exactly what he's doing, eliciting scalding, tragic performances from his little-known players while maintaining an assured 80/20 balance between straight-faced thriller and pitch-black surrealist farce.
Cliff Doerksen, TIME OUT CHICAGO

“McCann's tone, perversely comic at first, gradually darkens, transforming Nowhere Man into a savage noir exploration of the war between the sexes… Tim McCann has established himself as a maverick filmmaker -- each of his three features displays a taut, edgy sensibility far beyond the pale of Hollywood.”
Joshua Katzmann, CHICAGO READER

“A sly study of male ego and insecurity…skillfully precise.” 

Nowhere Man is the ultimate ‘relationship-gone-bad’ film… A pitch-black dark comedy about the consequences of your actions... An outstanding film – dark, twisted and impressive – 
that stays with you long after it ends.”

“Unflinching… writer/director Tim McCann wisely concentrates his energy on story and characterization, pulling off one of the more impressive lo- fi efforts of the year.”